The work plan is characterized by the following elements:
- Improving transparency, interaction and cooperation between the partners and the relevant stakeholders.
- Exchange and dissemination of information throughout all stages of the work plan.
- Providing an efficient and effective management of the project.
- Setting the basis for real sustainability of project results.
- Creating a critical mass of stakeholders working together in improving effectiveness of training for building transferable skills to PhD candidates and young holders.
Given their importance in relation to fulfilling our objectives and achieving the impact desired, Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation will be addressed from the very beginning of the project (WP3), devoted to generating impact and the engagement of stakeholders. Furthermore, WP1 “Map of transferable skills for open science and innovation and Career counselling” will focus on the preparation of the ontology for DISCOVERY LEARNING maps of transferable skills in open science and innovation to be used as a toll for career counselling. WP2 “Testing and validating DISCOVERY LEARNING paradigms and methodologies” deals with the provision of contents and training process, activation of key stakeholders towards validation, demonstration, improvement, and knowledge creation. Besides, during the project, we will have to design full plans for future sustainability of project’s results, which will be carried out also in WP3.
Although each work-package is clearly defined by its own function, the structure of the work plan is characterised by interdependencies between them. In many cases the input of various partners is essential for the full realization and far reaching impact of every single WP. As they have complementary and reinforcing skills to a high degree, the joint efforts will also determine the quality of the project.

The duration of the project will be of 18 months, finishing with the completion of activities related to dissemination and exploitation of knowledge and results in order to achieve the biggest and widest impact possible.