Building careers as science diplomats

Science diplomacy (SD), understood as the practices at the intersection of science and international relations have become an important trend among the scientific, diplomatic, and international relations communities.
During this webinar, participants will have the opportunity to discuss about science diplomacy with experienced practitioners in the field. The different definitions of science diplomacy, the types of stakeholders with a say in the matter, the career options, and the necessary set of skills will be introduced to the audience.
The participants will have the opportunity to test their skills as ‘’scientists diplomats’’ trough the resolution of a rol-playing game where they will have to apply all the acquired knowledge during this session. Finally they will collaborate in the construction of 10 final tips in order to guide their professional scientific career into the diplomatic sphere.
You will learn though...
- Gamification
- Worked-based learning
- Connection with practitioners'
3 hours
Date & Time
January 26th, 2022
10:00 AM -1:00 PM CET
You will be trained in the following transferable skills…
- Knowledge transfer management
- Complex problem solving
- Working in team
- Embracing diversity
- Networking and building alliances
- Communicating ideas to different audiences
Suitable career paths
- Scientific councillor of Embassies
- Scientific councillor of International Organisations (NN.UU, regional organisations etc.)